The Process: Nucs, Shaking, Caging, Packaging
Beekeeping is an intricate art, a dance with nature that demands precision and care. Within this fascinating world, a series of steps unfold, shapi...
We've been producing Italian Queens since the 30s, however, our Cordovan breeding project began in approximately 1975. Our Italians have been exclusively lighter colored Cordovans ever since, with color ranging from light yellow to rust. They have many fine qualities; the queens are very prolific, they are known for their rapid spring buildup and they are extremely gentle. They are proven to be very hygienic. Two thirds of our production is this Italian.
At the request of beekeepers in colder climates of the Northern states, we also produce the Carniolan cross. Our Carniolan breeders are mated in an isolated area and observed for a year prior to use in our breeding program. The Carniolan virgins are mated with our Italian drones, resulting in an excellent mix of both Italian and Carniolan traits which many customers prefer. The queen exhibits typical Carniolan overwintering behavior and her offspring possess the gentleness of our Italians.
Farming “Four” Generations
Beekeeping is an intricate art, a dance with nature that demands precision and care. Within this fascinating world, a series of steps unfold, shapi...
Beekeeping, an ancient practice, has evolved into a delicate science that requires an understanding of every aspect of a hive's dynamics. Central t...
In the sun-kissed scenes of California, home cultivating rises above a leisure activity; it turns into an agreeable cooperation with nature. At the...